Have you ever found yourself in a situation that was new to you? I am in one of those situations right now. This is a big week for the Moore family. We will take our oldest son Matthew off to college later in the week. So, I find myself in a situation that I have never been in before. I have never been the parent of a college student. Fortunately, the university had an orientation for both the students and their parents this summer. The time we spent on campus was a tremendous help to our family as we prepare to send Matthew off to college. Likewise the believers in Thessalonica faced a new situation. They were new to the faith, so they needed some guidance about growing as believers. As Paul began to wrap up the book he gave some practical instructions about living for the Lord to these new believers. The title of the sermon is “Steps of Faith,” from 1 Thessalonians 5: 16 – 22.