As a pastor, one of the things I have learned about people is that many people struggle with a negative view of themselves. I have heard people tell me that there are things that they would like to do, but then share some reason why they will never be able to do it. All too often, the limiting factor is some problem they see in themselves. The truth is that we all have our weaknesses, but God can still use us. God has created us to live an abundant life. That means that He has bigger plans for us than we could ever have for ourselves. This week we will begin a four week series of sermons titled, “Mysterious ways.” We will look at God’s mysterious choice of four different people. In each situation, the person had a problem that should have prevented God from using them. Despite their problems, God used these four individuals in powerful ways. The point of the series is to demonstrate that God has a plan for each of us, and He will work through us regardless of our hang-ups. This week will be studying about Gideon who struggled with fear. Our title for the message is, “Mysterious Ways: Fearful,” from Judges 7.