How Did I End Up Serving

We are continuing a series on the life of Peter titled, “How Did I End Up Here?” Peter and the other disciples had the privilege and joy of hanging out with Jesus. They followed everywhere He went. As they spent time with Him they heard Him teach, they witnessed the miracles He performed, and they could ask Him questions. I imagine this must have been the best time of Peter’s life. How could anyone ask for more than to get to spend time with Jesus every day? The disciples were learning and growing in their faith, but Jesus had called them to be more than just students. Jesus was training them to serve the Kingdom of God. One day Jesus gave them instructions and then sent them out to the towns in Galilee. Like the disciples, God wants us to be more than students. Jesus has called us to serve the Kingdom. The passage in today’s teaching comes from Matthew 10:1 – 15, and is titled, “How Did I End Up Serving?”

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