Father Forgive Them

We are in a series of messages titled, “Is He Worthy?” The point of the series is for us to examine the question, “Should we trust Jesus as our Savior and Lord?” This week we will look at what Jesus did for us at the cross. People struggle to come to agreement about what to do in response to the cross. When you respond to the cross, I hope you will remember one thing that Jesus said on the cross. While He was hanging on the cross, the religious leaders gloated that they had won. The Roman soldiers taunted Jesus and made fun of Him. But Jesus said something that was shocking, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” While they were killing Him, Jesus asked God to forgive them. In this response, we see the depth of Jesus’s love and concern even for those who wanted to kill Him. The sermon today is title “Father Forgive Them,” from Luke 23: 32 – 38.

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