We the Church: Our Guide

Happy New Year! I hope that you are looking forward to 2017. I believe that God has some great things in store for our Wayside family. As we look toward a new year we should make sure that we set our hearts and minds on the things that are important to God. We are beginning […]

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Emotions of Christmas: Fear

Christmas is a time most people associate with warm happy feelings. However, those who experienced the very first Christmas experienced some emotions that were neither warm nor happy. When the angel appeared to the shepherds they were afraid. One minute they were sitting in the dark watching the sheep and the next an angel appeared […]

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Not Alone

One of the greatest needs that we have is the need to know that we are not alone. That is why one of the greatest promises in the Bible is that God is with us. The promise of God’s presence guides us through the good times and gives us the courage to face difficult times. […]

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Mysterious Ways: Sinful

This is the conclusion of the “Mysterious Ways”, sermon series. Have you ever done something and then realized that you had really messed up? I think that most of us have had that feeling at least once in our lives. When we mess up we begin to ask what it is going to take to […]

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Mysterious Ways: Fearful

As a pastor, one of the things I have learned about people is that many people struggle with a negative view of themselves. I have heard people tell me that there are things that they would like to do, but then share some reason why they will never be able to do it. All too […]

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Building a Life of Worship

The sermon comes from Ezra 3: 1 – 6 and is titled, “Building a Life of Worship.” Each of us have a great need to know that we are connected to something that is bigger than ourselves. Our desire to be connected is part of how we were created by God. He created us for […]

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More than Meets the Eye

We live in a world that puts a great deal of pressure on women and it isn’t all healthy. The problem is our world’s standards are so ingrained in us that it is difficult for us to get past them. As a result, many women struggle with pressures about things they may not be able […]

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