Spirit Guided Prayer

A desire of the human heart is to know that we are connected to something bigger than ourselves. Our desire for connection is a God-given desire and the only real way to fill that desire is to enter into a relationship with Him. After we come to faith in Christ we find that growing in […]

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My Identity in Christ

One of the wonders of the human life is that each of us are unique individuals. No two people are exactly alike (and that includes twins). We each have our own individual thumbprint and retina pattern. We have different gifts and abilities. Our experiences further shape who we are. We live in a day when […]

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Hidden in Plain Sight

Life can be so confusing at times that when we are presented with a problem we miss an obvious solution. Sometimes the solution has been right in front of us the whole time. For the disciples the crucifixion of Jesus was an insurmountable problem that had destroyed their lives. They had put their faith and […]

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Every one of us has failed God. Sometimes we fail Him in ways that do not bear significant consequences. Other times, we fail Him in ways that have more significant consequences. In these moments we may be tempted to ask ourselves if God will forgive us. Today’s message comes from John 7:53 – 8:11 which […]

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Try To Keep Up

We are in a series of sermons called “Reboot.” As a church we are enjoying the new worship center that the Lord has provided for us. We as a church want to make sure that we take advantage of the fresh start the Lord has given to us. To make the most of the fresh […]

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How Church Should Be

Everyone has their picture of what the church should be like and how relationships in the church should work. For many, the reality of how churches actually function and their dream of what a church should be like could not be more different. This difference drives many away from the church. The reality is that […]

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Which Way Should We Go

I hope that you have had a great start to 2018. God certainly blessed Wayside in 2017 and I believe that He has some great things in store for us this year. Have you ever been working on a computer when it went haywire? When a computer or electronic device begins to go haywire the […]

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