We the Church: Our Guide

Happy New Year! I hope that you are looking forward to 2017. I believe that God has some great things in store for our Wayside family. As we look toward a new year we should make sure that we set our hearts and minds on the things that are important to God. We are beginning […]

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Emotions of Christmas: Fear

Christmas is a time most people associate with warm happy feelings. However, those who experienced the very first Christmas experienced some emotions that were neither warm nor happy. When the angel appeared to the shepherds they were afraid. One minute they were sitting in the dark watching the sheep and the next an angel appeared […]

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Now What?

This week we are continuing our “Faith up Stream” series. Each of us has had those moments in life where something happens that we simply do not expect or understand. In those moments it can be very difficult to know what to do. If we are not careful we can get trapped in a cycle […]

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Personal Renovation

Jesus’s entrance into Jerusalem was an incredible event with men and women lining the streets laying palm branches on the ground as Jesus entered the city on the back of a donkey. What makes the celebration so great is the purpose Jesus had for entering Jerusalem this time. He had come to make a change. […]

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Effective Investment

All of us know people who are generous and people who are not. So my question to you is what type of people would you rather be around? As believers we should be generous to others because the Lord has been generous to us. Generosity begins with the belief and understanding that God has been […]

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