Win at Parenting

We are continuing the sermon series called “Fixer Upper.” During this series of sermons, we have been talking about how to improve the relationships that are the most important to us. We will turn our attention to the relationship between parents and their children. Parenting is one of the most important responsibilities a person has. […]

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A Change of Perspective

We are continuing our series of sermons on home and family called “Fixer Upper.” When it comes to solving a challenging problem sometimes the answers do not come easily. In fact, sometimes the only way to solve a problem is to begin to look at the problem from a different perspective. The Bible teaches a […]

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Pastor David is beginning a series of sermons on marriage called “Fixer Upper.” Marriage was God’s idea. After creating Adam, God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make a helper suitable for him. (Genesis 2: 18 ESV).” God ultimately met Adam’s need by creating Eve. God created marriage […]

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Life Together

God created each of us with a need for one another. We weren’t created to live in isolation. All of us need healthy relationships. As believers, we should help one another. Together we learn how the Lord wants us to live, we grow in our understanding of our spiritual gifts and we encourage one another. […]

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Why Jesus?

Today we are continuing our series of sermons from the book of John titled the “Road to Easter.” Each message in this series has dealt with a miracle that Jesus performed that demonstrated that He is the Son of God. This week we are looking at how Thomas (one of the disciples) responded when he […]

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Change of Plans

We are continuing our series of sermons from the book of John titled the “Road to Easter.” From time to time we have experiences in life that cause us to reevaluate the direction of our lives. The people of Galilee had one of those types of experiences after going to see Jesus. Once again Jesus […]

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We the Church: A Generous People

Today we are continuing our series, “We the Church.” One of the things that we see about the early church was that it had a powerful impact on its community. One of the verses in the book of Acts points out that the first church enjoyed having the favor of the people. In other words, […]

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We the Church: People of Prayer

We are continuing our series, “We the Church.” Our lives are filled with relationships. We have relationships with family members, friends, co-workers, neighbors, etc, but the most important relationship that we have is our relationship with God. Prayer is essential to nurturing that relationship. One thing that is clear about the first church is that […]

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We are continuing our series, “We the Church.” God gave each of us parents to love us, provide for us, protect us, and to raise us. While no parent is perfect, most of us have benefited from our parents’ love, care, and direction. As believers, God gave us another type of family-the church. God’s purpose […]

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