Father Forgive Them

We are in a series of messages titled, “Is He Worthy?” The point of the series is for us to examine the question, “Should we trust Jesus as our Savior and Lord?” This week we will look at what Jesus did for us at the cross. People struggle to come to agreement about what to […]

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Our current series, “Multiply,” comes from the book of 1 Corinthians and deals with the issue of how the church can be more effective at expanding the kingdom of God. There are so many ministries that a church can use, but it is important that we focus our energy and efforts as a church on […]

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One of the things that makes the Christmas story so powerful and so beautiful is the way the people in the story responded to God. The Lord had chosen that moment in history to send His Son into the world. He was giving the world exactly what it needed—a Savior. The problem was that most […]

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Worship is an Attitude

We are continuing our series on Worship. 16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. 17 And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the […]

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Like Father Like Son

When we meet people from the same family we tend to look for the family resemblance. We expect to find some indication that people from the same family are related. The resemblance may have to do with the way that they look or the way they act. We expect to find these common traits because […]

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Christian Hope

Life is full of ups and downs. Some days are better than other days and for the most part, we understand this truth and we adjust to what life throws at us. But there are times when life keeps sending bad things and we begin to wonder how much more we can take. There are […]

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Learning to Love

One of the real challenges of the Christian faith is to allow our love for the Lord to begin to change every area of our lives. This process of spiritual growth and change can be very exciting at first, but as it continues we may find that there are some areas of our lives that […]

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