How Did I End Up Serving

We are continuing a series on the life of Peter titled, “How Did I End Up Here?” Peter and the other disciples had the privilege and joy of hanging out with Jesus. They followed everywhere He went. As they spent time with Him they heard Him teach, they witnessed the miracles He performed, and they […]

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Win at Parenting

We are continuing the sermon series called “Fixer Upper.” During this series of sermons, we have been talking about how to improve the relationships that are the most important to us. We will turn our attention to the relationship between parents and their children. Parenting is one of the most important responsibilities a person has. […]

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Fight Fair

We are continuing our series of sermons on home and family called “Fixer Upper.” Our series is about how we can improve the most important relationships in our lives. Today we are going to talk about what to do when a conflict arises. If we want to continue to have healthy relationships, then we should […]

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A Change of Perspective

We are continuing our series of sermons on home and family called “Fixer Upper.” When it comes to solving a challenging problem sometimes the answers do not come easily. In fact, sometimes the only way to solve a problem is to begin to look at the problem from a different perspective. The Bible teaches a […]

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We are continuing our series of sermons on home and family called “Fixer Upper.” In this message, we will explore the life of Queen Esther. She was one of the great women of faith in the Bible. She took a huge risk to save the people of Israel from certain destruction. Her life demonstrates the […]

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Life Together

God created each of us with a need for one another. We weren’t created to live in isolation. All of us need healthy relationships. As believers, we should help one another. Together we learn how the Lord wants us to live, we grow in our understanding of our spiritual gifts and we encourage one another. […]

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Decision Time

We are continuing our sermon series, “The Road to Easter.” We have looked at the miracles of Jesus in the book of John. Each miracle that Jesus performed revealed something about His identity. In this passage, Jesus came to a couple of sisters whose brother had died. They were both struggling with the fact that […]

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Change of Plans

We are continuing our series of sermons from the book of John titled the “Road to Easter.” From time to time we have experiences in life that cause us to reevaluate the direction of our lives. The people of Galilee had one of those types of experiences after going to see Jesus. Once again Jesus […]

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