Is He Worthy?

Jesus is one of the most controversial people in history. Many have chosen to follow Him while others have chosen to ignore Him. One way or the other, everyone has to make up their mind about what they believe about Jesus. John the Baptist had proclaimed that Jesus was the coming Messiah, but now while […]

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5 Steps to Better Communication

The ability to communicate is one of God’s greatest gifts to us. His gift of language is one that we often take for granted, but it plays an extremely important role in our lives. The Bible says that when God created the world He spoke it into existence. His words created our world. Our words […]

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The Christmas Light

I have worn glasses since I was in middle school. I don’t need glasses to read, but I do need them to see things that are far away. That has been the situation with my eyes from the time I was twelve until I was forty years old, but once I turned forty something changed. […]

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One of the things that makes the Christmas story so powerful and so beautiful is the way the people in the story responded to God. The Lord had chosen that moment in history to send His Son into the world. He was giving the world exactly what it needed—a Savior. The problem was that most […]

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Let Your Light Shine

I look forward to Christmas every year. One of my favorite elements of Christmas are the Christmas lights. Our family enjoys driving around looking at Christmas lights. It is something we do every year. The lights bring a warmth to the season at a time when the days are shorter, and it gets dark earlier. […]

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Like Father Like Son

When we meet people from the same family we tend to look for the family resemblance. We expect to find some indication that people from the same family are related. The resemblance may have to do with the way that they look or the way they act. We expect to find these common traits because […]

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Worship is a Lifestyle

Our God is a God of love. He demonstrated His love in an amazing way at the cross. He sent Jesus to die on the cross so that we could be forgiven. Therefore, how should we live in response to what the Lord has done for us? The answer is that we should seek to […]

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Worship is a Relationship

We are beginning a new series of sermons called “Worship Is.” When we think of worship most of us think of going to church once a week, but worship is much more than just attending a worship service. The word worship means to show worth or devotion to God. Said another way, “Worship is the […]

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Unity Matters

Special Guest Ron Moore. 20 “I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, 21 that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe […]

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