A Change of Perspective

We are continuing our series of sermons on home and family called “Fixer Upper.” When it comes to solving a challenging problem sometimes the answers do not come easily. In fact, sometimes the only way to solve a problem is to begin to look at the problem from a different perspective. The Bible teaches a […]

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We are continuing our series of sermons on home and family called “Fixer Upper.” In this message, we will explore the life of Queen Esther. She was one of the great women of faith in the Bible. She took a huge risk to save the people of Israel from certain destruction. Her life demonstrates the […]

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Why Jesus?

Today we are continuing our series of sermons from the book of John titled the “Road to Easter.” Each message in this series has dealt with a miracle that Jesus performed that demonstrated that He is the Son of God. This week we are looking at how Thomas (one of the disciples) responded when he […]

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Decision Time

We are continuing our sermon series, “The Road to Easter.” We have looked at the miracles of Jesus in the book of John. Each miracle that Jesus performed revealed something about His identity. In this passage, Jesus came to a couple of sisters whose brother had died. They were both struggling with the fact that […]

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The Wedding Banquet

We are beginning a new series of sermons from the book of John titled the “Road to Easter.” In the passage we will study, Jesus and some of His first disciples were attending a wedding celebration when the unimaginable happened – the host family ran out of wine. Mary turned to Jesus and asked him […]

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Set Apart

We are continuing our study from the book of Daniel. The king became angry with his wise men and decided to have all of the wise men in the kingdom killed. Daniel and his three friends were among those who were to be killed. Daniel approached the person who was to arrest them and asked […]

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We the Church: A Generous People

Today we are continuing our series, “We the Church.” One of the things that we see about the early church was that it had a powerful impact on its community. One of the verses in the book of Acts points out that the first church enjoyed having the favor of the people. In other words, […]

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We the Church: People of Prayer

We are continuing our series, “We the Church.” Our lives are filled with relationships. We have relationships with family members, friends, co-workers, neighbors, etc, but the most important relationship that we have is our relationship with God. Prayer is essential to nurturing that relationship. One thing that is clear about the first church is that […]

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We are continuing our series, “We the Church.” God gave each of us parents to love us, provide for us, protect us, and to raise us. While no parent is perfect, most of us have benefited from our parents’ love, care, and direction. As believers, God gave us another type of family-the church. God’s purpose […]

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We the Church: Our Guide

Happy New Year! I hope that you are looking forward to 2017. I believe that God has some great things in store for our Wayside family. As we look toward a new year we should make sure that we set our hearts and minds on the things that are important to God. We are beginning […]

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