Father Forgive Them

We are in a series of messages titled, “Is He Worthy?” The point of the series is for us to examine the question, “Should we trust Jesus as our Savior and Lord?” This week we will look at what Jesus did for us at the cross. People struggle to come to agreement about what to […]

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The Christmas Light

I have worn glasses since I was in middle school. I don’t need glasses to read, but I do need them to see things that are far away. That has been the situation with my eyes from the time I was twelve until I was forty years old, but once I turned forty something changed. […]

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All In

Everyone has a few moments that are defining moments in their lives. When they look back over the path of their lives, they will see that those one or two moments completely altered the trajectory of their lives. The same thing is true with faith. Each of us will have those moments that define our […]

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Work It Out

Abraham dealt with his share of problems. Genesis 13 tells about one specific situation that had the potential to divide Abraham and his nephew Lot. Both men had a great number of animals, but a limited amount of resources for feeding them. Abraham’s solution to the problem demonstrated his desire to correct the problem, but […]

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Warning: Temptation Ahead

God led Abraham and Sarah to the promised land, but they were still missing something. God had promised them a son to carry on the family line. By this time, they had been following the Lord’s leadership for 10 years, but they still had no child. Abraham and Sarah were consumed with worry about having […]

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A Life of Faith

Greetings Wayside. We are beginning a new series this week “Sold Out: A Life of Faith.” Each of these sermons will focus on the life of Abraham. Abraham was a man that experienced God’s power as he followed the Lord, but the process of following the Lord wasn’t always easy for him. Like Abraham, each […]

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Unity Matters

Special Guest Ron Moore. 20 “I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, 21 that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe […]

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