Work It Out

Abraham dealt with his share of problems. Genesis 13 tells about one specific situation that had the potential to divide Abraham and his nephew Lot. Both men had a great number of animals, but a limited amount of resources for feeding them. Abraham’s solution to the problem demonstrated his desire to correct the problem, but […]

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Warning: Temptation Ahead

God led Abraham and Sarah to the promised land, but they were still missing something. God had promised them a son to carry on the family line. By this time, they had been following the Lord’s leadership for 10 years, but they still had no child. Abraham and Sarah were consumed with worry about having […]

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A Life of Faith

Greetings Wayside. We are beginning a new series this week “Sold Out: A Life of Faith.” Each of these sermons will focus on the life of Abraham. Abraham was a man that experienced God’s power as he followed the Lord, but the process of following the Lord wasn’t always easy for him. Like Abraham, each […]

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Worship is Witness

God is the focus of all true worship. As believers worship, they turn their attention to the one true God to let Him know how much they love him. We worship by encouraging one another to take our focus off ourselves and our personal situations and look to the One who created us. Every activity […]

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Worship is an Attitude

We are continuing our series on Worship. 16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. 17 And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the […]

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Worship is Seeking

Today we are continuing our series on worship. One of the greatest obstacles to worship is our pride. Pride is more than just arrogance. Pride is a focus on ourselves. The Bible warns that human nature is sinful and self-focused. As a result, we want the benefits of worshipping God without the demands that He […]

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Like Father Like Son

When we meet people from the same family we tend to look for the family resemblance. We expect to find some indication that people from the same family are related. The resemblance may have to do with the way that they look or the way they act. We expect to find these common traits because […]

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Worship is a Lifestyle

Our God is a God of love. He demonstrated His love in an amazing way at the cross. He sent Jesus to die on the cross so that we could be forgiven. Therefore, how should we live in response to what the Lord has done for us? The answer is that we should seek to […]

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