The Christmas Light

I have worn glasses since I was in middle school. I don’t need glasses to read, but I do need them to see things that are far away. That has been the situation with my eyes from the time I was twelve until I was forty years old, but once I turned forty something changed. […]

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One of the things that makes the Christmas story so powerful and so beautiful is the way the people in the story responded to God. The Lord had chosen that moment in history to send His Son into the world. He was giving the world exactly what it needed—a Savior. The problem was that most […]

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Let Your Light Shine

I look forward to Christmas every year. One of my favorite elements of Christmas are the Christmas lights. Our family enjoys driving around looking at Christmas lights. It is something we do every year. The lights bring a warmth to the season at a time when the days are shorter, and it gets dark earlier. […]

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First Things

Have you ever had a victory in your life quickly followed by a failure? It is so frustrating when a failure follows a victory, because after a victory we begin to hope that everything will be better from that moment. There is a spiritual principal at play. Spiritual victories are often followed by spiritual defeats. […]

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Forging Unity

Every truly great accomplishment requires a team effort. It is in the need for a unified team that makes accomplishing a task such a challenge. Nehemiah found this to be true as well. During his time, a situation arose in the Jewish community that threatened to destroy the unity of the people and stop the […]

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All In

Everyone has a few moments that are defining moments in their lives. When they look back over the path of their lives, they will see that those one or two moments completely altered the trajectory of their lives. The same thing is true with faith. Each of us will have those moments that define our […]

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